Video: GaYA Project

  • Source ALPARC publications
  • Year 2017
  • Language FR, DE, IT, SL, EN

Together with the project partners, ALPARC coordinated the development of a short video clip to disseminate the message of the project GaYA (Governance and Youth in the Alps) to regional and local decision-makers and local administrations.

A creative storyboard with pictures is drawn on a whiteboard and available in five languages. The main message: it is up to the decision makers (local communities, administration and protected areas) to involve young people in their localities? For this reason GaYA is there to help and provide them with appropriate tools.

The challenge behind GaYA project is the low implication that young people have regarding political life and the decisions made in their Alpine localities. Besides providing tools and methods that can help foster youth participation on local level in the Alpine space, the project wants to promote youth participation and communicate good practices in this regard.

For further information visit:

GaYA (Governance and Youth in the Alps) runs from November 2016 to February 2019 and is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme (Total budget: 1,092,748 € - 928,836€ ERDF grant). ALPARC is work package leader in the pilot stage (End 2017-2018).



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ALPARC - La Rete delle Aree Protette Alpine

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