Poster Collection: "Bilder der Innovation - Images de l'innovation"

  • Source ALPARC publications
  • Year 2016
  • Language EN

The poster collection "Bilder der Innovation - Images de l'innovation 2016" highlights innovations in regional development in protected areas of the Alps. It presents 17 innovative approaches which were identified in the InnovAlps project (2015-2016) in national and regional/nature parks in France, Switzerland and Austria.

A focus lies on innovations in the InnovAlps pilot regions: the regional nature parks Tiroler Lech, Pfyn-Finges and the Baronnies provençales. Obviously, the posters only represent a tiny part of innovations in peripheral areas of the Alps. The collection is thus more of a starting point, providing lots of free space for new posters and opening a new way to communicate innovations in protected areas.


ALPARC - La Rete delle Aree Protette Alpine

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