Kalkalpen National Park © R. Königshofer
Kalkalpen National Park © R. Königshofer
Kalkalpen National Park © A. Stückler
Slide item 4
Kalkalpen National Park © R. Königshofer

Il trofeo delle aree prottete alpine

Also, this year the Ranger Seminar took place as part of the Memorial Danilo Re. This year's theme was:

Biodiversity monitoring in protected areas – a base for management and conservation measures
Rangers' daily on-site efforts in gathering essential data

With their daily work, rangers provide important contributions to the long-term monitoring of Alpine biodiversity and thus make it possible to develop appropriate management plans and, more importantly, protect species, habitats and ecosystems. 


Rangers from protected areas all over the Alps presented their work and provided interesting insights into the protected area and ongoing monitoring projects.

Have a look at the presentations here:


Nationalpark Gesäuse - Between forest and eagle's nest

Nationalpark Kalkalpen - Karst spring monitoring in Kalkalpen National Park

Parc national des Ecrins - Monitoring of high altitude lakes in the Ecrins National Park

Parco naturale Adamello Brenta - BioMiti Project

Aree protette delle Alpi Marittime - The LIFE WOLFALPS EU PROJECT

Schweizerischer Nationalpark - A "rope team" between park rangers and researchers

Triglavski narodni park - Ranger's role in monitoring reintroduced lynx population in Triglav National Park

Nationalpark Berchtesgaden - Biodiversity Monitoring in Berchtesgaden National Park


Ranger Seminar during the last Memorial Danilo Re, Kalkalpen National Park 

© S. Weizenegger, ALPARC

FaLang translation system by Faboba

Su Danilo Re

Il "Memorial Danilo Re"  é dedicato ad un guradiaparco della provincia di Cuneo (Piemonte, Italia) morto nell'esercizio delle sue funzioni nel 1995.

Da diversi anni, è un'occasione di incontro tra gli addetti delle aree protette.

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